Sunday 15 July 2012

Naughty Animals in Different Style and Mood | Animals Making Fun

It has been said that animals are naughty and friendly by nature and if you polish a little you can enhance their activities more accurately. A little trained animals are shown in these pictures, you would definitely surprised to see and get confused as they are doing parody of humans or humans are making parody of these beautiful animals. First of all let me introduce you with this friendly animal Mr. Lion who is passing his time with his girl friend :P
Don't forget to share this funny animal picture on social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc etc

Now its turn for squirrel to snatch his peanut form a girl. Here question arises that girls are naughty or animals ? Well you think and give your answers and feedback at the end of this post :) 

Camel and a junior camel oops sorry little kid screaming together or may be calling their master.

Very interesting birds funny picture showing their hardworking while making their nests.

Lovely really it brings a smile on your face when you just think that how animals are loyal to each other and are keen to help others specially when they really mean it. Here picture showing two different animals belonging to different category Elephant is trying to save cat - little kittens- life. It also depicts that animal can understand each others feelings and language as well.

Awesome picture capture at a right moment when bird just snatch her food fishes for a dinner.

Cute Rabbit

Transparent fish one of God's lovely creature.

Transparent butterfly.

Squirrel with his rivals pigeons are fighting for ta single peanut.

Most beautiful creature Peacock no doubt attracts every one's eye.

Flying peacock looking awesome.

I think squirrel play with every animal look here squirrel is trying to kiss chick but i think chick is not in mood ;)

wow awesome photography but sad to say that you guys really disturb two peacocks while driving. Don't you know they are in mood to have a long walk ;)

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